
Concilio´s Puerto Rican Parade 2024 Application

Concilio’s Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade Participant Application

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Only applicable for: Local businesses, independent merchants, and other small businesses.

Only applicable for: Annual budget is greater than $1 million. Must provide a copy of 501 (C)(3) status with application.

Only applicable for: Local professional and/or amateur dance performance groups. Also Professional Musical Groups representing the Philadelphia, Delaware, and New Jersey area. These groups have no public, private, or parochial school affiliation.

Only applicable for: Annual budget is lesser than $1 million. Must provide a copy of 501(C)(3) status with application.

Only applicable for: Any school (middle, high, and/or colleges and universities) affiliated group that will be representing on behalf of their school entity for the parade.

Select your packages category:


Did you previously participate in Concilio’s Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade?
What is your purpose? Where are you from? What inspires you? This will be used to create a biography that is presented by 6ABC. Is there something special about your performance that you want to share?
Please refer to Section Two of the Regulations for the specifics of the appropriate attire and presentations.


If you would like to be judged and enter into Concilio’s Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade 2024 competition.
Please check the category that represents your group the best
  • Participants must complete an application provide detailed information about the organization’s intended presentation, include a description of the music, and details about the uniform and/or attire as to their indicated presentation. In order to ensure adequate processing time, applications must be submitted no later than September 20th, 2024.
  • Participants must send music as an MP3 file to concilioculturalevents@elconcilio.net by Wednesday, September 20th, 2024.
  • No changes will be accepted after the orientation meeting or on the day of the Parade, NO EXCEPTIONS. All applications are subject to approval by the Concilio Events Committee.
  • A representative from your organization MUST attend the Parade Orientation Meeting on Wednesday September 25th, 2024.
  • Individuals may only participate in one group in one category.


1. All presentations must be as culturally relevant as possible, as well as relevant to the Puerto Rican Festival theme.
2. The use of ingenuity and creativity in the design and execution of an entry is encouraged and favored by the judging criteria.
3. Musical selections must be traditional and culturally relevant.
4. All participants must be dressed respectably.
5. All participants are expected to wear shirts and shoes. Participants wearing short skirts (i.e., cheerleading skirts) are required to wear shorts underneath.
6. Uniforms that do not match will not be permitted.
7. All uniforms and/or costumes will be reviewed to ensure that participants are not dressed offensively.
8. All participants are encouraged to carry the Puerto Rican flag in a respectable and dignified manner.
9. No modified flags (including, but not limited to embossed symbols over the flag, such as coquis, roosters, or skulls) will be allowed in the Parade.
10. Each performing group will have 60 seconds available for their performance.
11. Additional time needs pre-approval by parade organizer.
12. Previous years winners (incumbents) will lead their respective categories; they will have 90 seconds.

  • It is imperative that all entries maintain the pace throughout the entire Parade route.
  • Parade Marshals stationed along the route are responsible for keeping the pace. They communicate by radio; watch them and follow their instructions. Parade officials will resolve any problematic situations that arise. Their decisions will be final.
  • Parade units must precede past 24th Street and the Parkway before stopping and unloading.
  • The committee reserves the right to reduce and/or expand the number of categories and prizes depending on the number of entries received.
  • The Concilio Events Committee reserves the right to remove any participants/groups not complying with any of the rules and regulations of the Puerto Rican Day Parade.
  • All participants must adhere to the instructions of the parade for reasons included but not limited to those integrated herein.
  • Each entry shall be responsible for the conduct of all its participants. Any unit violating these rules will not be allowed in future parades.


  • This is a family event. Participants will not be allowed to make any lewd, indecent, offensive, or inappropriate displays (verbal, graphic or otherwise) anywhere along or during the Parade route.
  • Such displays or distasteful behavior will result in the immediate removal of the
    individual or group from the Parade.
  • The Concilio Events Committee reserves the right to remove anyone displaying lewd,
    indecent and unacceptable behavior, without prior notice through the use of police
    escort, if necessary.
  • Groups using inappropriate music (i.e., violent, obscene, or otherwise offensive lyrics) will be removed from the Parade at any point along the Parade route.
  • Persons not performing with the unit are not permitted to escort the group down the Parade route without the authorization of Parade officials. All participants must be properly identified by a banner, flag or insignia that contains the name of their organization or group. The organization’s name must be clearly displayed on both sides and rear of the float. Signage must be professionally prepared and large enough so that spectators and TV cameras may easily read them. If the judges cannot identify an entry, it cannot award a prize.


  • With exception of the above, unit positions in the Parade shall be determined by the Parade Committee based on need for a particular type of unit in a particular position.
  • Entry date DOES NOT ensure placement at the front of the parade.
  • Assigned positions will be given on the day of the parade.
  • Marching/walking groups, musical units, precision drill teams, and baton units, must consist of at least 15, but not more than 100 members, unless approved by the Concilio Events Committee.
  • All participants must check in at 16th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway by 10:00a.m. Units will check-in with a Parade Marshal at the head of the Parade lineup.
  • Units will check-in with a Parade Marshal at the head of the Parade lineup.
  • Participants who arrive after 10:15 a.m. will lose their pre-assigned position and shall be placed to the rear of the Parade. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • A Parade information table will be located adjacent to the Start Point. Any individuals requiring assistance prior to the start of the Parade should go to this location.


Concilio is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that supports advocacy for the Philadelphia community and its citizens, therefore, the use of political and religious propaganda relating to issues that may conflict with the public’s moral, political and/or religious beliefs is not allowed. Units sponsored by or depicting a political or controversial issue will not be permitted in the Parade.

  • The Puerto Rican Day Parade is NOT a platform for political campaigns, social or religious issues or targeted special interest groups.
  • No persons marching in the Parade shall be permitted to carry or display, or cause to be displayed, any sign or other material which identifies him or her as a candidate for any elected or appointed office.
  • Political candidates can parade only when accompanied by a civic organization as participants in an organized cultural presentation. Incumbents may be asked to parade in VIP section. Use of political signs or other political material will disqualify an entry.
  • Any unit whose sole purpose, as determined by the Parade committee, is for advertising only, will not be accepted unless it has been designated as a Parade Sponsor or having met the minimum financial contribution to the Puerto Rican Festival along with full payment of parade entry.


  • Open bed or flat bed trucks without safety railings will not be permitted to
  • Do not use vehicle horns or sirens. They prevent musical groups from being
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in the line-up area or along the parade route is prohibited. Once the parade is underway, smoking and
    eating is prohibited along the Parade route.
  • Failure to keep the staging area and parade route clean will result in immediate removal from the Parade.
  • Throwing candy or other objects by parade participants is prohibited.
    Participants that distribute those items must walk along the Parade route and
    hand items to parade attendees.
  • No live animals are permitted in the Parade, assembly area, or on any of the
    floats, without prior permission from Parade Committee.


Floats for Concilio's Puerto Rican Day Parade are permitted. Please keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Safety Chains (preferably crisscrossed).
  • Towing capacity of the vehicle must be rated appropriately to haul load.
  • All tires must be in good condition.
  • If the float is greater than 3,000 pounds, it must have an emergency break-away mechanism.
  • Ball and Pin hook-up must be in good working order.
  • Must have safety devices for riders.
  • Please keep in mind that all floats must be inspected two weeks before Concilio's Puerto Rican Day Parade.
  • Please contact Concilio to schedule a time with the City for an inspection.


All vehicles used as a part of the group entry, including drivers, must be approved for the parade. Conditions for approval include:

  • Proof of insurance, Current Registration, and a valid Driver’s License. All three (3) documents must be current and up to date.
  • Participants must submit a copy of all three documents, and should also be made available and presented the day of the parade. Bring proof to Parade Orientation
    Meeting on September 25th.
  • Vehicles will be required to observe all relevant road traffic and other laws which may apply to a parade on the public highway.
  • Vehicles providing sound support for any group entry must also be decorated
    accordingly, and follow the display and general vehicle regulations.
  • Automotive and Motorcycle clubs that would like to march representing their club are subject to the same rules and regulations as any other participating group.

For Display Vehicles, i.e., floats, convertible and antique cars, and motorbikes or motorcycles, must also be approved for the parade. Conditions for approval of Display Vehicles include:

  • The use of any floats, convertible cars, etc., must receive prior approval and must be cleaned, waxed and decorated appropriately.
  • Display vehicles must be mounted properly on an accompanying float or tow, with supporting safety or guard rails, stationary and stable, and cannot be running.
  • Limit one display vehicle per entry, group, or club.
  • Safety railings or devices are mandatory for every participant riding aboard a float, platform, trailer or any other entry vehicle. Riding on top of vehicles without these safety devices is strictly prohibited.
  • Towing units must be fully powered and decorated in the same theme as the float. Points will be deducted for undecorated towing vehicles or group entries using an approved vehicle providing sound.
  • Support Vehicles, i.e., vehicles not contributing to the group entry’s presentation or sound, are not allowed.
  • All terrain vehicles (4 wheelers) are strictly prohibited and are not be allowed anywhere along the parade route or reviewing stand.
  • The Parade Committee reserves the right to limit vehicle entries for the parade accordingly with the City’s regulations and traffic permissions; therefore, any vehicles that are not approved or fail to meet the conditions of approval may and will be removed from the parade at any time.
  • A total of 8 vehicles are allowed per entry.


In consideration of the opportunity afforded to our organization to participate in the Puerto Rican Day Parade, we hereby waive any right or case of action arising as a result of our organization's participation in said parade from which any liability may or could accrue against the Puerto Rican Festival, the Council of Spanish Speaking Orgs., Inc., its staff, sponsors, or any of the members of its Board of Directors, officers, or Honorary Board, or any individual providing leadership in connection with said Parade.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we agree that this waiver shall include any rights or causes of action resulting from personal injury to members of our organization or property damages sustained in connection with our participation in the parade.

The undersigned certifies that the foregoing application has been read and understood and that any statements made in connection with the application are true and accurate. The undersigned herein certifies that [s]he or they understand and agree to follow all rules and regulations set forth by the Puerto Rican Parade of Philadelphia.

Date / Time
Clear Signature


I, the undersigned, do hereby consent and agree that Concilio (Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, Inc.), its employees, sponsors or agents have the right to take photographs, videotape, or digital recordings of me beginning on September 24, 2023, and ending on September 29, 2024 and to use these in any and all media, now or hereafter known, and exclusively for the purpose of promoting and executing the Puerto Rican Day Parade. I further consent that my name and/or group name and identity may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or commentary.

I do hereby release to Concilio (Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, Inc.), its employees, sponsors, or agents all rights to exhibit this work in print and electronic form publicly or privately and to market and sell copies. I waive any rights, claims, or interest I may have to control the use of my identity or likeness in whatever media used.

I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration for recording me, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback.

I also understand that Concilio (Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, Inc.) , its employees, sponsors, and/ or agents is not responsible for any expense or liability incurred as a result of my participation in this recording, including medical expenses due to any sickness or injury incurred as a result.

I represent that I am at least 18 years of age (representing my group’s participation), have read and understand the foregoing statement, and am competent to execute this agreement.


Minimum Price: $10.00

Make check Payable to: CONCILIO
Please write in Memo: 2024 Concilio’s Puerto Rican Day Parade

Mail checks to: CONCILIO
ATTN: Marketing Team
141 E. Hunting Park Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19124